Monday, April 11, 2016

YOU are the Police now. Whatcha gonna do?

This is a traffic stop unlike any of the ones I have witness before. William Hannah, a truck driver was pulled over by a Sheriff for driving in the left lane. A simple moving violation. As the Sheriff is talking to William Hannah, Hannah first appears to be blaming it on a pick up truck that continuously cut him off, but ends it by admitting that he is guilty of being in the left lane. The Sheriff understood Hannah's situation and decided that since he did it to avoid an accident, it was acceptable. Next the Sheriff goes on and asks Hannah to switch places with him. Hannah is now the police and the Sheriff is a truck driver, what would Hannah do in this situation. 
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The film says it all goes downhill from there. My reaction is crap, Hannah is going to pull out a gun or something. However, what the film goes on to explain that Hannah was speechless and had no idea what to say. In a later interview done, Hannah goes on to explain he felt like he was in church with his fly down and didn't know what to do to make it better. After minutes of confusion and speechlessness from Hannah, the Sheriff lets Hannah go without writing a ticket. Hannah is grateful.

I think that this is a perfect and silly example of how an stop can go. It made me laugh so much. If  I was in Hannah's situation I would be concerned that it was a trap, but luckily for Hannah, the Sheriff was in a forgiving mood. This stop, should be more publicized because people need to see that cooperation can help you. I am happy to see that among the possible videos to watch, this was one option. A lot of the videos of traffic stops are not the best. The ones that reach the public's eyes typically involve police shooting or treating an uncooperative person as a threat. I am glad to see this video. It really made my day.

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